Thursday, April 5, 2012

Greek Week 2012!

It's Great to Be Greek!  Greek Week is just days away, but while most are headed home for the Easter holiday weekend we're busy planning for an awesome week of events.

Check out the schedule below and be sure to attend as many events as possible!  Be sure to check back each day for an update on events, photos and Greek Week standings!

Also be sure to support your Greek God or Greek Goddess! Each God and Goddess will be collecting change throughout the week! All proceeds will be donated to the American Red Cross Heroes Campaign!  The Greek God and Goddess who collects the most money will win!

Monday, April 9, 2012 Guest Speaker: T.J. Sullivan
Where: Eykamp 251
When: 8:30pm
            T.J. has been working with student organizations for more than two decades, and he uses his trademark humor and problem-solving style to energize student leaders who feel overwhelmed. His keynote, Motivating the Middle, is perfect for all students.  This event is open to all of campus.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012 Field Day
Where: East Terrace Lawn next to Ridgway
When: 7 pm

All Participants must sign the online wavier on WebAdvisor.

1. Tug-a-War
2. The Bubble Blow
3. Three legged race
4. Relay Race: Dizzy Bat
5. Sponge Bucket Race
6. Corn Hole
Tuesday, April 10, 2012 5 Pillar Challenge
11:00-11:15     Alpha Omicron Pi      
11:15-11:30     Sigma Phi Epsilon
11:30-11:45     Phi Mu
11:45-12:00     Phi Kappa Tau
12:00-12:15     Chi Omega
12:15-12:30     FIJI
12:30-12:45     Delta Omega Zeta
12:45-1:00       Lambda Chi Alpha
1:15-1:30         Zeta Tau Alpha
1:30-1:45         Sigma Alpha Epsilon
1:45-2:00         Tau Kappa Epsilon

Where: Meet upstairs in ridgeway, in the Greek Life Office

Wednesday, April 11, 2012 Softball Game against USI
Where: USI Softball field
When: Game starts at 7 pm

All participants my sign the online wavier on WebAdvisor

          You will need to find your own transportation over to USI. ALL participants (both from USI and UE) will need to park in front of the Physical Activities Center at USI’s campus. There will be a school bus shuttle running an hour prior to the game and half an hour after the game There will be 3 games going on all at the same time; 2 male and 1 female. During the game there will be a cook out. Toget your attendance points for the event you need to come to the event table and sign in with your name and UE id number.

Thursday, April 12, 2012 Quiz Bowl
Where: Eykamp 251
When: 6:30pm
            The participants need to be in Eykamp at 6:15pm. 4 members from one chapter will make up a team. There will be no eliminations and each chapter will answer every question.

Friday, April 13, 2012 Community Service
Where: Campus and off Campus
When: All day

All participants must sign the online wavier on WebAdvisor.

Sign up to serve here!
The Google Doc will go live Monday April 9th. This will give your chapter members 5 days to sign up for spots.

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